Source code for nineapi.client

from json import loads
import logging

    from urlparse import parse_qsl
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import parse_qsl

import requests

from . import utils

logger = logging.getLogger('ninegag')

class APIException(Exception):

[docs]class Client(object): """ 9GAG API Client. """
[docs] class Services: """ Represents sub-API URLs. """ API = '' COMMENT_CDN = '' COMMENT = '' NOTIFY = '' AD = '' ADMIN = ''
class AppIDs: COMMENT_CDN = 'a_dd8f2b7d304a10edaf6f29517ea0ca4100a43d1b' APP_ID = '' def __init__(self, app_id=APP_ID, log_level=logging.INFO): """ Create API client instance. :param app_id: Application id (defaults to '') :param log_level: Logging level (defaults to `logging.INFO`) """ logger.level = log_level self.app_id = app_id self.token = utils.random_sha1() self.device_uuid = utils.random_uuid() self.userData = None self.generatedAppId = None def _request(self, method, path, service=Services.API, sign=True, params={}, args={}, body={}): """ Perform API request. :param method: HTTP method ('GET', 'POST' etc.) :param path: URL to retrieve (e.g. '/v2/post-list') :param service: :class:`.Client.Services` field, default is `API` :param sign: Whether to sign the request or no. :param args: URL arguments (converted to weird form like `/count/10/type/hot/...`) :param query: Query args (converted to `?foo=bar&...`) :param body: Request body ('POST' requests only.) :returns: Decoded JSON response. :rtype: dict """ url = '/'.join([ service.strip('/'), path.strip('/'), '/'.join('{}/{}'.format(k, v) for k, v in args.items()).strip('/') ]) headers = { '9GAG-9GAG_TOKEN': self.token, '9GAG-TIMESTAMP': str(utils.get_timestamp()), '9GAG-APP_ID': self.app_id, 'X-Package-ID': self.app_id, '9GAG-DEVICE_UUID': self.device_uuid, 'X-Device-UUID': self.device_uuid, '9GAG-DEVICE_TYPE': 'android', '9GAG-BUCKET_NAME': 'MAIN_RELEASE', } if sign: headers['9GAG-REQUEST-SIGNATURE'] = utils.sign_request( headers['9GAG-TIMESTAMP'], headers['9GAG-APP_ID'], headers['9GAG-DEVICE_UUID'] ) logging.debug('{} {}: {}\n{}'.format( method, url, body, '\n'.join(['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in headers.items()]) )) if method.upper() == 'GET': response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) elif method.upper() == 'POST': response =, headers=headers, data=body, params=params) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only GET and POST methods are currently implemented.') data = loads(response.text) self._validate_response(data) return data def _validate_response(self, response): """ Validate the response status. :param response: JSON response dictionary. :returns: True :rtype: bool :raises: :class:`.APIException` """ if 'meta' in response: if response['meta']['status'] == 'Success': return True else: raise APIException(response['meta']['errorMessage']) elif 'status' in response: if response['status'] == 'ERROR': raise APIException(response['error']) return True
[docs] def log_in(self, username, password): """ Attempt to log in. :param username: User login. :param password: User password. :returns: True :rtype: bool :raises: :class:`.APIException` """ response = self._request( 'GET', '/v2/user-token', args=dict( loginMethod='9gag', loginName=username, password=utils.md5(password), language='en_US', pushToken=utils.random_sha1() ) ) self.token = response['data']['userToken'] self.userData = response['data'] self.generatedAppId = dict(parse_qsl(self.userData['noti']['readStateParams']))['appId'] # self.generatedAppId = dict(parse_qsl(self.userData['noti']['chatBadgeReadStateParams']))['appId'] return True
[docs] def get_posts(self, group=1, type_='hot', count=10, entry_types=['animated', 'photo', 'video', 'album'], olderThan=None, **kwargs): """ Fetch posts. :param group: Posts category (defaults to 1) :param type_: Posts type (defaults to 'hot') :param count: Count of posts. :param entry_types: list of strings :param olderThan: Last seen post (for pagination) - `str`, :class:`Post` or `None` :returns: list of :class:`.Post` :raises: :class:`.APIException` """ args = dict( group=group, type=type_, itemCount=count, entryTypes=','.join(entry_types), offset=10, **kwargs ) if olderThan is not None: if isinstance(olderThan, Post): olderThan = args['olderThan'] = olderThan response = self._request( 'GET', '/v2/post-list', args=args ) return list([Post(self, post) for post in response['data']['posts']])
[docs] def search_posts_by_tag(self, query, offset=0, count=10, entry_types=['animated', 'photo', 'video', 'album'], sort='asc', **kwargs): """ Fetch posts that match specific tag. :param query: Posts tag :param offset: Offset to start from. :param count: Count of posts. :param entry_types: list of strings :param sort: sorting order ("asc" or "desc") - does not seem to work :returns: list of :class:`.Post` :raises: :class:`.APIException` """ args = dict( query=query, fromIndex=offset, itemCount=count, entryTypes=','.join(entry_types), offset=10, sort=sort, **kwargs ) response = self._request( 'GET', '/v2/tag-search', args=args ) return list([Post(self, post) for post in response['data']['posts']])
@property def is_authorized(self): """ Authorization status. """ return self.userData is not None
[docs]class Post(object): """ Represents single post. """
[docs] class Types(object): """ Enum for possible post type values. """ Photo = 'Photo' Animated = 'Animated'
def __init__(self, client, props): self._client = client self._props = props @property def id(self): """ Post ID. """ return self._props['id'] @property def title(self): """ Post title. """ return self._props['title'] @property def url(self): """ Post url. """ return self._props['url'] @property def type(self): """ Post type. """ return self._props['type'] @property def props(self): """ Dictionary with post data. """ return self._props
[docs] def get_media_url(self): """ Returns image URL for Photo posts and .WEBM URL for Animated posts. """ if self.type == Post.Types.Photo: return self.props['images']['image700']['url'] elif self.type == Post.Types.Animated: return self.props['images']['image460sv']['url'] raise NotImplementedError( 'Post type not implemented: {}, ' 'you can report it here: ' ''.format( self.type ) )
[docs] def get_top_comments(self): """ Retrieves top comments for this post. """ response = self._client._request( 'GET', '/v1/topComments.json', service=Client.Services.COMMENT_CDN, params=dict( appId=Client.AppIDs.COMMENT_CDN, urls=self.url, commentL1=5, commentL2=5, pretty=0 ) ) """ response = self._client._request( 'GET', '/v1/comment.json', service=Client.Services.COMMENT, params=dict( appId=Client.AppIDs.COMMENT_CDN, urls=self.url, order='score', direction='desc', count=10, level=2, ref='score_00000000_00000000', auth=self._client.userData['commentAuth']['authHash'] ) ) """ return list([Comment(self._client, self, comment) for comment in response['payload']['data'][0]['comments']])
def __str__(self): return '<Post id="{}" title="{}" url={}>'.format(, self.title.encode('utf-8'), self.url ) __repr__ = __str__
class Comment(object): def __init__(self, client, post, props): self._client = client self._post = post self._props = props @property def id(self): """ Comment ID. """ return self._props['commentId'] @property def text(self): """ Comment text. Contains GIF url for GIT comments. """ return self._props['text'] @property def url(self): """ Comment url. """ return self._props['url'] @property def post(self): """ Returns the associated :class:`Post`. """ return self._post @property def children(self): """ Returns comments that are children for this one. """ return [Comment(self._client, self._post, comment) for comment in self._props['children']] @property def props(self): """ Dictionary with comment data. """ return self._props def get_media_url(self): """ Returns media URL associated with this comment. """ if 'media' in self._props: medias = self._props['media'][0]['imageMetaByType'] if medias['type'] == 'ANIMATED': return medias['video']['url'] else: return medias['image']['url'] def __str__(self): return '<Comment id="{}" post="{}" text="{}">'.format(,, self.text.encode('utf-8') ) __repr__ = __str__